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Coaches: Don’t Let Your Athletes Get Sidelined by Sickle Cell Trait!
source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
year: N/A
summary/abstract:Participating in regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. This is true for everyone, even those with Sickle Cell Trait (SCT). Athletes with SCT just have to be aware of the warning signs and complications of exercise-related illness, listen to their body, and take steps to protect themselves.
Below are answers to some commonly asked questions about SCT, participation in sports, exercise related illness, and what to do to help keep your athletes safe and healthy while engaging in physical activity.
Should people with SCT be allowed to play sports?
Absolutely! People with SCT can safely participate in all sports, provided they take a few general precautions, such as:
-Drinking enough water;
-Taking breaks when needed; and
-Not overdoing it, especially when starting a new exercise program.
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