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Darryl Watkins Stays Positive in Spite of Sickle Cell Disease
Darryl Watkins has the HbSS variant of sickle cell disease.
An inspiring, uplifting individual, he is married with three children, all of whom carry the sickle cell trait.
Watkins says that he began to understand the profound impact sickle cell disease would have on his life at the tender age of 6 or 7. He wanted to participate in peewee sports and his parents wouldn’t allow it, because becoming overheated or dehydrated could cause serious health problems for him.
Sickle Cell Disease’s Legacy of Pain and Loss
Watkins lost his sister to sickle cell disease when she was just 17 years old. At the time, he was still only a child himself.
Dealing with the pain of this disease and watching a loved one suffer and die from it has proven especially challenging for Watkins.

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