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Nancy Green, MD
Researcher Professor of Pediatrics
Columbia University Medical Center
3959 Broadway
(165th Street and Broadway)
New York, New York, United States
Nancy Green, MD is a pediatric hematologist with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of the full-range of pediatric blood disorders, with a special interest in hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell disease. Her interest in sickle cell disease began while in college, where Dr. Green was attracted to its clinical complexity, laboratory features, and research opportunities to improve the health of people with the disease.
Her current research focuses on optimizing treatments for sickle cell disease, especially the drug hydroxyurea – the primary therapy for patients. She is studying the differences among patients in their response to this drug: the genetics of response to hydroxyurea, adherence to therapy, and cultural and other aspects. She is also studying the hematologic aspects of bone marrow transplantation, which can cure sickle cell disease but is not an option for many patients. Dr. Green hopes to contribute to the field by enhancing the understanding of how patients with sickle cell disease respond to hydroxyurea, with the goal of clarifying how it can be most effectively used and by whom.
For families whose children do not respond well to this drug, she hopes her work will help them as they think about their options for treatment. Dr. Green’s research also focuses on newborn screening, a public health program in which infants are tested for a variety of disorders usually before the baby goes home from the newborn nursery.
Representative Publications:
Community Health Workers as Support for Sickle Cell Care
New Ways to Detect Pediatric Sickle Cell Retinopathy: A Comprehensive Review
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