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Marilyn J. Telen, MD
Researcher Professor of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
333 Med Sci Res Bldg
Durham, North Carolina, United States
Dr. Telen is the Associate Professor of pathology at Duke University School of Medicine. She is also the member of the Duke Cancer Institute. Dr. Telen is recognized as an expert in the biochemistry and molecular genetics of blood group antigens and the pathophysiological mechanisms of vaso-occlusion in sickle cell disease. She is the Director of the Duke Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center. Dr. Telen’s laboratory focuses on structure/function analysis of membrane proteins expressed by erythroid cells, as well as the role of these proteins in non-erythroid cells.
Dr. Telen is also involved in a large multicenter study looking for genetic polymorphisms that affect clinical outcomes in sickle cell disease, as well as a multi-center study investigating the mechanisms and treatment of pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease.
Representative Publications:
Factors associated with survival in a contemporary adult sickle cell disease cohort
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