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Charles Jonassaint, PhD
Researcher Assistant Professor of Medicine
UPMC Montefiore Hospital
230 McKee Place, Suite 600
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Dr. Jonassaint is a practicing clinical health psychologist with an MHS in cardiovascular epidemiology. He has clinical expertise in chronic disease self-management and cognitive behavioral therapy, and has had extensive experience working with patients from under-represented minority groups. He has primarily focused on working with adolescents and adults living with sickle cell disease (SCD), a condition that disproportionately affects those of African descent and is associated with significant disparities in both funding and treatment.
In Dr. Jonassaint’s research, their group has been working on understanding how mobile phones can be used to improve patient mental health and pain outcomes. He is the co-inventor of an SCD specific self-management app called SMART: The Sickle Cell Disease Mobile Application to Record Symptoms via Technology. Testing of SMART has led to three publications and is now being used in four funded studies at three institutions.
Representative Publications:
Video Links:
SickleShare App Developed by Students Working With Dr. Jonassaint at UPMC
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