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Deepa G. Manwani, MD
Researcher Director of Hematology
Department of Pediatrics
The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
3415 Bainbridge Avenue
Bronx, New York, United States
Dr. Manwani completed her residency (1993-1996) at North Shore University Hospital, and she received her sub-specialty in pediatric hematology and oncology (1996-1999) at Mount Sinai Hospital. Under the supervision of James Bieker, professor of developmental and regenerative biology at Mr. Sinai School of Medicine, in 1997 she initiated basic science research on hemoglobin gene regulation. Her primary areas of research focused on exploring mechanisms of fetal hemoglobin reactivation with the ultimate goal of designing novel therapies for sickle cell disease and thalassemia. She served as Director of the Thalassemia Program (2006-2008) and Sickle Cell Program (2007-2008) at Schneider Children’s Hospital in New Hyde Park, NY before coming to Montefiore.
Dr. Manwani’s research interests focus on fetal hemoglobin activating agents, adhesive cellular interactions in vaso-occlusion in SCD and contribution of neutrophils to SCD pathophysiology. She is currently participating in studies aimed at increased adherence to hydroxyurea and improved transition to adult care. In March 2015, her contributions have been recognized by the Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patient Network of New York in the form of the “Distinguished Service Award.”
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