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Erectile dysfunction after sickle cell disease-associated recurrent ischemic priapism: profile and risk factors
source: The Journal of Sexual Medicine
year: 2015
authors: Anele UA, Burnett AL
Risk factors associated with erectile dysfunction (ED) that results from recurrent ischemic priapism (RIP) in sickle cell disease (SCD) are incompletely defined.
This study aims to determine and compare ED risk factors associated with SCD and non-SCD-related “minor” RIP, defined as having ≥2 episodes of ischemic priapism within the past 6 months, with the majority (>75%) of episodes lasting METHODS:
We performed a retrospective study of RIP in SCD and non-SCD patients presenting from June 2004 to March 2014 using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), IIEF-5, and priapism-specific questionnaires.
Prevalence rates and risk factor correlations for ED associated with RIP.
The study was comprised of 59 patients (40 SCD [mean age 28.2 ± 8.9 years] and 19 non-SCD [15 idiopathic and four drug-related etiologies] [mean age 32.6 ± 11.7 years]). Nineteen of 40 (47.5%) SCD patients vs. four of 19 (21.1%) non-SCD patients (39% overall) had ED (IIEF CONCLUSIONS:
ED is associated with RIP, occurring in nearly 40% of affected individuals overall. SCD patients are more likely to experience ED in the setting of “very minor” RIP episodes and are five times more likely to develop ED compared with non-SCD patients.
DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12816
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