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Emergency Room 101 (tips for the empowered patient)
source: verywell
year: 2017
authors: Trisha Torrey
summary/abstract:Millions of people find themselves in a hospital emergency room each year. You never know when it will happen to you. Whether you dial 9-1-1 and ride by ambulance, or if a friend or loved one rushes you there, a trip to the emergency room is a frightening proposition.
Spend some time reading these tips for safe and effective care in the ER. They may give you enough confidence to reduce the amount of wear and tear on your nerves.
They may even shorten your stay, or help you get better care than you might receive otherwise.
In the Ambulance:
In a life-or-death emergency, you’ll want to be taken to the nearest hospital that treats whatever problem you seem to be having. For example, if you are in a bad car accident, you’ll want to be taken to a trauma center. If you think you’re having a stroke, you’ll want to find the nearest facility that knows how to care for stroke patients.
Most ambulance services are staffed by EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians) who are trained to know enough about whatever medical problem causes the emergency that they know where to take you. Let them make the decision as to where you’ll get the best care.
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