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The Sickle Cell Foundation of Orange County was founded in 2006, by Starlerra Simmons, as a 501(c)(3) organization of the Internal Revenue Service. Starlerra knows first hand the complications and challenges that come with Sickle Cell Disease.
The Sickle Cell Foundation of Orange County is committed to increasing the public’s awareness of sickle cell disease; through educational seminars, community based workshops, educational activities, and through other support programs. Our goal is to provide continous education about disease, its management, and its myraid of issues.
The Sickle Cell Foundation of Orange County specifically target those with Sickle Cell Disease and their families. Another objective is educational awareness to caregivers, educators, and the community. Because each of our lives are closely knit to one another, by significantly impacting one; you will have a positive outcome of touching them all.
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