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Sickle Cell Association of BC
#105-1015 Columbia StreetNew Westminister
British Columbia, Canada
Email Phone Web
Sickle Cell Association of BC is a non-profit organization committed to helping those with Sickle Cell Disease, their family, friends, and healthcare providers within BC, Canada.
Adobie McAllister’s (Co-founder of Sickle Cell Association of BC) daughter has Sickle Cell Disease and is an advocate of integrative and alternative methods of treating Sickle Cell Disease and is a representative for the Strategic Advisory Group for the BC Inherited Bleeding and Red Cell Disorders Provincial Program. Adobie lives and works in Vancouver, BC and is working on a Sickle Cell binder for patients with Sickle Cell.
The Sickle Cell Association of BC is always looking for volunteers / knowledge philanthropists interested in project oriented, time specific (short term or long term) activities, especially volunteers in the following areas:
1. Fundraising
2. Accounting
3. Legal
4. Human Resources / Volunteer Recruitment, Training and Orientation
5. Transportation
6. Doctors, nurses, natropaths, osteopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists, acupressurists, etc.
7. Therapists: massage, physiotherapy, counselors / psychologists / psychiatrists / cranial sacral / chiropractors / reflexology / etc.
8. Coaching and Mentoring
9. Governance and Policy
10. Canvassers
11. Communications
12. Technical and Web Support
13. Conference Planning
14. Event Coordination
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