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Shakir Cannon (Deceased)
Community Advocate Co-Founder
Minority Coalition for Precision Medicine
Albany, New York, United States
Shakir Cannon was a Health Information Advocate and Co-Founder of the Minority Coalition for Precision Medicine (MCPM), an emerging organization dedicated to the disbursement of health information literacy through a parallel education and awareness strategy performed within minority populated regions as determined by US Census data. Shakir was also an internationally recognized Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) patient and advocate who helped educate and spread awareness for SCD both as a public speaker and social media thought leader. Resulting from his lifelong battle with an often debilitating and at times devastating disease, Shakir lived by the motto “Any Day Without Pain Is a Good Day!”
Shakir Cannon’s Obituary:
Shakir Cannon, advocate for minority health, dies
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