Sohail Rana, MD

Community Outreach & Education
Ctr for SCD, Howard U
Washington, DC, United States

Dr. Rana is Professor of Pediatrics at Howard University and Director of Pediatric Hematology with primary focus on sickle cell disease. He has been providing care in a “medical home setting” to individuals with sickle cell disease for more than 30 years with an aim to provide all primary and specialty services at one site. He has conducted and participated in numerous studies related to sickle cell disease and advocated for individuals with sickle cell disease. He has organized seminars related to pain and stigma in sickle cell disease and produced many videos related to pain. He has been listed among the best doctors in America numerous times and he is a recipient of several awards from the sickle cell community and other institutions.


Representative Video:

Fighting the Stigma: Pain in Sickle Cell Disease – Elise 3


Representative Publications:

Medical neglect by underprescription and underutilization of hydroxyurea in children with sickle cell disease

Pharmacogenetics of morphine: potential implications in sickle cell disease

Hydroxyurea and growth in young children with sickle cell disease

Prospective echocardiography assessment of pulmonary hypertension and its potential etiologies in children with sickle cell disease

Hydroxycarbamide in very young children with sickle-cell anaemia: a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial (BABY HUG)

Markers of severe vaso-occlusive painful episode frequency in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia

Differences in the clinical and genotypic presentation of sickle cell disease around the world

Effect of hydroxyurea treatment on renal function parameters: results from the multi-center placebo-controlled BABY HUG clinical trial for infants with sickle cell anemia

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