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Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health. Our aim is to improve transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of new and innovative strategies for health professionals and youth and families. With a broad range of partners, we are working to:
– Expand the use of the Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition in pediatric, family medicine, and internal medicine practices;
– Partner with health professional training programs to improve knowledge and competencies in providing effective health care transition supports to youth, young adults, and families;
– Develop youth and parent leadership in advocating for needed transition supports and participating in transition quality improvement efforts;
– Promote health system measurement, performance, and payment policies aligned with the Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition; and
– Serve as a clearinghouse for current transition information, tools, and resources.
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