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George Harris Carter
Community Advocate Administrator
Sickle Cell Association of Richmond
P.O. Box 27655
Richmond, Virginia, United States
George Harris Carter has had personal experience with the affects of sickle cell disease (SCD), leading him to be a patient advocate for over thirty years. SCD is an inherited blood disorder where normal round shaped red blood cells change to a sickled shape, ultimately blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to body parts and tissues leading to extreme pain. Lack of oxygen flow can also damage muscles, bones and internal organs and lead to other serious medical problems.
George has dedicated himself to educating the public about SCD and providing patients with support by leading the statewide Sickle Cell organization in his home state of Virginia. George Harris Carter is the administrator of Sickle Cell Association of Richmond (OSCAR). He has also been a strong advocate for drug development and clinical trials, serving as FDA Office of Special Health Issues (OSHI) Patient Representative for SCD.
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