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MARAC Advisory Statement Regarding SCD Patients during the time of “Reopening” the U.S. Economy
May 14, 2020—On Thursday April 16, 2020, the U.S. Coronavirus Taskforce provided recommendations on reopening the economy, giving states specific metrics, policies, and benchmarks regarding case load, hospital preparedness and testing capability with the goal of reopening on May 1. In order to proceed through the entire process, states must complete a two-week pre-phase, and then complete a two-week gating period with no evidence of rebound infections between each of the phases.
During the first two phases, the taskforce recommended that all vulnerable individuals remain at home and that everyone should work from home if they are able to do so. It also concluded that employers should make special accommodations for vulnerable individuals at work if working from home is not possible. During the last phase, vulnerable individuals could resume working normally, with physical distancing while in public places.
It is the position of the Medical and Research Advisory Committee (MARAC) of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America that patients with sickle cell disease are considered vulnerable individuals based on American Society of Hematology (ASH) COVID19 guidelines.

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This platform is made possible through a partnership with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. (SCDAA) and its member organizations. SCDAA's mission is to advocate for people affected by sickle cell conditions and empower community-based organizations to maximize quality of life and raise public consciousness while advancing the search for a universal cure.