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Sickle Cell Disease
source: Pfizer Inc.
year: N/A
summary/abstract:Sickle cell disease, a rare hematological disease, results in misshapen red blood cells that can block the flow of blood through the body (called vaso-occlusive crises), causing intense pain, as well as problems such as stroke, acute chest syndrome, joint damage, kidney issues, occasionally even heart problems.
Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that causes the cells to be crescent (“sickle”) rather than disk shaped. It is traced to abnormalities in hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen throughout the body.
Patients with the disorder are now living longer than they did in the past, thanks to a better understanding of how the disease works and earlier diagnosis and treatment. Creating a plan for managing symptoms of the disease is critical in improving patient outcome and requires close collaboration with healthcare providers. This collaboration is especially important when patients make the transition from seeing a pediatrician to seeing a doctor who treats adults.
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